Friday, December 5, 2008

OMG - We still haven't packed

For those of you who note that there are 7 days left before we leave, please note that this is our ex-Australia departure.

However, we leave home for the last time in 2 days, travelling to Long Island with all the family for some much needed together time. AND STILL WE HAVEN'T PACKED!

Oh for sure, the suitcases are out, the new clothing (and old) all laundered and in the same room as the suitcase now, the Christmas presents for the Germans all wrapped, BUT WE STILL HAVEN'T PACKED!
Not sure why we are putting it off - - - maybe something to do with the realisation that when we finally do, there is no more time for all the parties (and those blessed goodbyes).

We collected our foreign cash yesterday. Lots of travellers comment on how colourful and beautiful the Australian bank notes are - but really, the only one that exhibits any sort of sameness is the US dollar. British Pounds, Euros and Chinese Renimbi are all beautiful. (We are trying very hard not to think about the terrible exchange rate from the AUD). Also collected our business cards. They turned out really nice. Michael is insisting that we take all 1,000! Wow - I guess we are going to meet LOTS of people cos that is an average of almost 3 cards per day to give out!

Today I am off to get my hair cut - I am finally succumbing. Too bad if we are travelling into the dead of the European winter - so what! I will wear the beanie with the ear covers (that my work colleagues gave me as a bit of a joke) and a scarf or two. Goodness knows - I can no longer bear the length or weight (yeah right) in this heat!

So this will be my last post for a little while. I'll try to upload some Long Island family photos before we leave OZ.
See you all in cyberspace from here and thanks for all the good wishes. Oh, and just to let you know - we have about 683 official bag carriers travelling with us (at least in spirit) :D

1 comment:

Hels said...

Maria you are such a dag. I cant wait to hear all about your adventures. I want a photo of you in your beanie... I am coming over to put those things IN your bag.
Not many sleeps now